Old stuff/Perl/at/Beta/client.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($pid,$sec,$c_min,$min,$hour,$c_hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$clavier,@contenu);
if (! -d $ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript") { mkdir ($ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript") or die $!; }
$clavier = " ";
if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+:\d+/)
($sec,$c_min,$c_hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime;
($hour,$min) = split(/:/,$ARGV[0]);
if ($c_hour > $hour) { $mday +=1; }
if ($sec == 0) { $sec = "00"; } elsif (1<$sec and $sec<10) { $sec = "0".$sec; }
if ($min == 0) { $min = "00"; } elsif (1<$min and $min<10) { $min = "0".$min; }
if ($hour == 0) { $hour = "00"; } elsif (1<$hour and $hour<10) { $hour = "0".$hour; }
if ($mday == 0) { $mday = "00"; } elsif (1<$mday and $mday<10) { $mday = "0".$mday; }
if ($mon == 0) { $mon = "00"; } elsif (1<$mon and $mon<10) { $mon = "0".$mon; }
print "Exectution a $hour : $min\n";
print "Execution le $mday $mon $year a $hour $min : $sec\n";
if (-e $ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript/".$year.$mon.$mday.$hour.$min."00")
{ die("Il y a deja un travai pour cette heure la\n"); }
open(INFO,">>".$ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript/".$year.$mon.$mday.$hour.$min."00") or die $!;
print "Ecriture dans ~/.atscript/".$year.$mon.$mday.$hour.$min."00\n";
print "Entrer les commande, (quit pour arreter):\033[1m\n";
while ($clavier !~ /^quit/i)
print "\t";
push @contenu,$clavier;
print "\033[0m";
foreach (@contenu) {print INFO $_; }
print "Envoie de signal!\n";
elsif ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-l(?:ist)?$/)
print "Liste en cours:\n";
opendir(DIR,$ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript") or die("Repertoire inexistant! $!\n");
foreach(grep !/\.$/,readdir(DIR))
/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ && do {print "\033[1m($clavier)\033[0m Prevu pour le ".$3."/".($2+1)."/".$1." a: \033[1m$3:$4:$5\033[0m \n"; };
open(INFO,$ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript/$_") or die $!;
print "\t$_\n";
close INFO;
close DIR;
elsif (!$ARGV[0] or $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-h(?:elp)?$/)
die "\n";
elsif ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-?-d(?:el)?$/i && $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1]=~/\d/)
print "Supprime $ARGV[1]\n"; &del($ARGV[1]);
else { print $ARGV[0].": commande inconnu\n"; &show_commands; }
sub show_commands
print "\033[1mCommandes disponibles:\033[0m
heure:minutes : Ajoute une nouvelle serie de commandes a executer.
-h (help) : Affiche cet aide.
-l (list) : Affiche toutes les commandes demandees.
-d number : Supprime la serie de commandes selectionnee.
-dall : Supprime toutes les series de commandes.\n\n";
sub del($)
print "REcu: $_[0]\n\n";
opendir(DIR,$ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript") or die("Repertoire inexistant! $!\n");
@contenu = grep !/\.$/,readdir(DIR);
if ($contenu[$_[0]-1])
unlink($ENV{'HOME'}."/.atscript/".$contenu[$_[0]-1]) or die $!;
else { print "Job inexistant!\n"; }
close DIR;
sub send_sig {
require POSIX;
use Fcntl;
sysopen(FIFO,"/var/run/atscript",O_RDWR) or die "No pipe ! $!";
print FIFO " Update \n";
close FIFO;
print "Message envoye\n";