Old stuff/ecole_etude_fac_de_pau/licence_2/bd/requetes.sql
select code_int,nom
from interprete
where date_naiss<'01/01/1970';
select titre
from album
where maison_disque = 'universel'
AND genre = 'rock';
select *
from chanson
auteur='Henri Des' and
compositeur='Henri Des';
select *
from chanson
where auteur=compositeur;
select titre,date_sortie
from album,interprete
album.code_int=interprete.code_int and
select titre_chan
from compose co, chanson c
where co.position=1
AND co.num_c=c.num_c;
select distinct titre
from album a,chanson c,compose co
c.num_c=co.num_c and
a.code_album=co.code_album and
date_sortie between '31/12/03' and '01/01/05'
select distinct titre_chan
from album a, chanson c,compose co, interprete i
where a.code_int=i.code_int
AND nom = 'Cali'
AND co.num_c=c.num_c
AND co.code_album=a.code_album;
select nom
from interprete
select compositeur
from chanson;
select a.*
from album a ,interprete i
where a.code_int=i.code_int
AND a.titre=i.nom;
select chan.*
from interprete i,album a, chanson chan, compose co
i.code_int=a.code_int and
a.code_album=co.code_album and
co.num_c=chan.num_c and
genre='pop' and
duree > 120 and
i.code_int in (
select code_int
from interprete
where extract(year from date_naiss) < extract(year from current_date)-40