
Ongi etorri tfe-ren webgunera...

Old stuff/old_sites/ids/func.php

function hex_encode ($str)
	$encoded = bin2hex($str); 
	$encoded = chunk_split($encoded, 2, '%'); 
	$encoded = '%'.substr($encoded, 0, strlen($encoded) - 1); 
	return $encoded; 

class connection
	var $con_id;
	var $error;
	var $errno;
	function connection($db_user, $db_password , $db_host, $db_name)
		$this->error = '';
		$this->con_id = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password);
		if (!$this->con_id) {
		} else {
	function database($db_name)
		$db = @mysql_select_db($db_name);
		if(!$db) {
		return false;
		} else {
			return true;
	function close()
		if ($this->con_id) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	function selectQuery($query)
		if (!$this->con_id) {
			return false;
		$cur = mysql_unbuffered_query($query, $this->con_id);
		if ($cur)
			$res = mysql_fetch_row($cur);
			if (count($res) === 1)
				$result = $res[0];
				$result = array();
				for($j=0; $j<count($res); $j++)
					$result[strtolower(mysql_field_name($cur, $j))] = $res[$j];		
			return $result;
			return false;
	function assocQuery($query)
		if (!$this->con_id) {
			return false;
		$cur = mysql_unbuffered_query($query, $this->con_id);
		if ($cur)
			$i = 0;
			$result = array();
			while($res = mysql_fetch_row($cur))
				for($j=0; $j<count($res); $j++)
					$result[$i][strtolower(mysql_field_name($cur, $j))] = $res[$j];		
			return $result;
			return false;
	function execute($query)
		if (!$this->con_id) {
			return false;
		$cur = mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
		if (!$cur) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;
	function getLastID()
		if ($this->con_id) {
			return mysql_insert_id($this->con_id);
		} else {
			return false;
	function setError()
		if ($this->con_id) {
			$this->error = mysql_error($this->con_id);
			$this->errno = mysql_errno($this->con_id);
		} else {
			$this->error = mysql_error();
			$this->errno = mysql_errno();
	function error()
		if ($this->error != '') {
			return $this->errno.' - '.$this->error;
		} else {
			return false;
	function escapeStr($str)
		return mysql_escape_string($str);
function html2text($str)
$a = array(
	"/<span style=\"text-decoration:line-through\">(.+?)<\/span>/",
	"/<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"(.+?)\">(.+?)<\/a>/",
	"/<img alt=\"Image sans description\"  src=\"(.+?)\" \/>/"
$b = array (
return preg_replace($a,$b,$str);

function text2html($str)
	"<span style=\"text-decoration:line-through\">$1</span>",
	"<a href=\"$1://$2\">$3</a>",
	"<img alt=\"Image sans description\"  src=\"$1\" \/>",	
   $str = htmlentities($str);
   $str=  preg_replace($a,$b,$str);
   $str = preg_replace("/(?:\n|\s|$){2}(http|ftp):\/\/([^\s\n\<]+)/","<a href=\"$1://$2\">$1://$2</a>",$str);
    return preg_replace(
	"/<a href=\"([^\"]+)\">(http|ftp):\/\/([^<]{30})([^<]{4,})<\/a>/",
	"<a href=\"$1\">$2:\/\/$3(...)<\/a>",

function normalise($str)
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-\s\']/','',strtolower($str));
$str = preg_replace('/[\s\']+/',' ',trim($str));
$str = str_replace(' ','-',$str);
return $str;

function ip_read($art_f)
$ip_file = dirname(__FILE__)."/ips/$art_f";
$hd  = fopen($ip_file,"r");
$contenu = fread($hd,filesize($ip_file));
$var_ip = unserialize(base64_decode($contenu));

if ($var_ip['date'] != date(Ymd)) 

    $var_ip = array('date' => date(Ymd));
    foreach(array('account','article','breves','edito','mail','visites') as $key)
return $var_ip;

function ip_write($art_f,$var_f)
$ip_file = dirname(__FILE__)."/ips/$art_f";
$hd  = fopen($ip_file,"w") or die("FATAL writing $art_f and ".$var_f['date']);

function affichage($var_a,$var_b,$var_c)
    if($var_b == 0 ) { $var_b = 1000000; }
    $li = 0;
    $lignes = explode("\n",$var_a);
    foreach($lignes as $key)
    $key = preg_replace("/\_([\w\ ]+?)\_/","<span class=\"color\">$1</span>",$key);
    $key = substr($key,0,$var_b);


     if ($i>$var_b) { break; }
     if (ereg("^\_{2}...$",$key)) { echo "<hr>"; }
     if (!$code and ereg("^\[code\](.*)\[\/code\]",$key,$regs)) { echo "<pre>$regs[1]</pre>"; }     
    elseif(ereg("(.*)\[\/code\]",$key) and $pre) { echo preg_replace("\[code\]","",$key)."</pre>"; $pre=0;}     
     elseif(ereg("^\[code\]",$key)) { echo "<pre>".preg_replace("\[code\]","",$key); $pre=1;}     

    elseif(ereg("(.*)\[\/cadre\]",$key) and $cadre) { echo preg_replace("\[cadre\]","",$key)."</pre>"; $cadre=0;}     
     elseif(!$cadre and ereg("^\[cadre\]",$key)) { echo "<div class=\"cadre\">".preg_replace("\[cadre\]","",$key); $cadre=1;}     

     elseif (ereg("^-",$key) and !$pre) 
        $key = preg_replace("/^-(.*)/","$1",$key);
	if($li == 0) 
	    echo "<ul><li>$key</li>"; 
	    $li= 1;
	else { echo "<li>$key</li>"; }
    elseif($li==1) { 
	    echo "</ul>"; 
    	    print "<p>$key</p>\n";
     elseif (!$pre) { print "<p>$key</p>\n"; }
     else { print "$key\n"; }
     $i = 1+$i + count(split(".",$key));
    if ($li==1) { echo "</ul>"; }
    if ($pre==1) { echo "</pre>"; }    
    if ($cadre==1) { echo "</div>"; }        
    if ($var_b != 1000000 and $i != count($lignes)) { echo "<p><a onclick=\"'".$var_c."','Zoom sur l actualite','width=400,height=300,resizable=yes,statusbar=yes,scrollbar=yes')\"    href=\"#\" title=\"Suite\">[Suite]</a></p>"; }


function getmicrotime()

    list($usec,$sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

function aide()
 echo "<p>Aide formattage des messages:</p><ul>
 <li>Seules les balises &lt;i&gt;(texte en italique) &lt;/i&gt; et &lt;b&gt; (texte en gras) &lt;/b&gt; sont acceptees. Toute autre balise sera converti en &amp;lt;balise&amp;gt;. </li>
 <li>Pour donner des urls en specifiant un nom, vous pouvez utiliser la syntaxe <span class=\"underline\">[|le nom du lien]</span>  ce qui donnera un affichage &quot;le nom du lien&quot;.</li>
 <li>Pour creer une liste, entrez les elements en debut de ligne en commen&#231;ant par des \"-\"</li>
 <li>Pour inserer une image, il suffit d'utiliser [img=url_de_l'image_voulue]. 
 <li>Pour inserer du code: [code] votre source [/code].  </li>
 <li>Pour inserer un encadr&eacute;: [cadre] votre texte encadr&eacute; [/cadre].  </li>
 <li>Barrer du texte: &lt;n&gt;Texte&lt;/n&gt;</li>
 <li>Colorer du texte : _Texte_</li> 


function miniature($picture,$dest) /* Tire de */


$oh = imagesy($src_img);  # original height
$ow = imagesx($src_img);  # original width

$new_h = $oh;
$new_w = $ow;

if($oh > $max || $ow > $max){
       $r = $oh/$ow;
              $new_h = ($oh > $ow) ? $max : $max*$r;
	             $new_w = $new_h/$r;
		     // note TrueColor does 256 and not.. 8
		     $dst_img = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_w,$new_h);

		     ImageCopyResized($dst_img, $src_img, 0,0,0,0, $new_w, $new_h, ImageSX($src_img), ImageSY($src_img));
		        ImageJpeg($dst_img, $dest);
