var Game = function(opt) { var scene; var lock; var SCREEN_HEIGHT; var SCREEN_HEIGHT; var camera; var renderer; var mazes= {}; var camera_decal_x = 0; var camera_decal_y = 0; var camera_decal_z = 0; var clock = new THREE.Clock(); var start_num_maze = 10; var maze_increment = 5; this.load = function() { var promises = []; this.perso = new Perso(this); promises.push(this.perso.load()); //promises.push(this.maze.load()); return Promise.all(promises); }; this.init= function() { var self=this; this.opt = opt; console.log('call init',this); this.obstacles = []; this.collision_callbacks = []; this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); // Build basic structures var width = 10000; var height = 10000; var click_ground = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(width, height); var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x555555, opacity:0, transparent:true } ); // Set and add the click_ground this.click_ground = new THREE.Mesh(click_ground, material);'click_ground'; this.click_ground.receiveShadow=true; this.click_ground.castShadow=true; this.click_ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; this.scene.add(this.click_ground); return new Promise(function(ok, reject) { self.load().then(function() { = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, 1, 0.1, 10000); self.scene.add(; self.scene.fog = new THREE.FogExp2( 0x333355, 0.0055 ); self.ambient_light = new THREE.PointLight(); self.ambient_light.intensity=0.8; self.ambient_light.position.set(100, 200, 80); self.scene.add(self.ambient_light); self.light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x404040); self.scene.add(self.light); self.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); //self.renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true; window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false ); function onWindowResize(){ = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;; self.renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); } self.container = opt.root; self.setAspect(); self.container.appendChild(self.renderer.domElement); ok(); }, function() { console.error('error loading game.js'); reject(); }); }); }; this.setAspect= function() { var w = this.container.offsetWidth; // Fit the initial visible area's height h = this.container.offsetHeight; // Update the renderer and the camera this.renderer.setSize(w, h); = w / h;; }; this.setCameraPos = function(x,y,z) { camera_decal_x = x; camera_decal_y = y; camera_decal_z = z; }; this.setFocus = function(object) { + camera_decal_x, object.position.y + camera_decal_y, object.position.z + camera_decal_z);; }; this.start = function() { var self=this; this.direction=0; // Create start path var path = new Path(this, {direction: this.direction, x: 0, z: 0});; this.start_path = path; var pos = path.get_start_pos(); self.add_player({ x: pos.x, y: 0, z: pos.z, game: self }); this.enterPath(path); }; this.add_player= function(params) { var self=this;, this); this.perso.moveable(); }, this.render = function() { requestAnimationFrame(this.render_fct); var delta = clock.getDelta(); delta=0.020; if(this.perso.mixer) { this.perso.update(delta); this.setFocus(this.perso.container); } this.renderer.render(this.scene,; }; this.render_fct = this.render.bind(this); this.getObstacles = function() { return this.obstacles; }; this.getCollisionCallbacks = function() { if(this.current_maze) { return this.current_maze.getCollisionCallbacks(); } else { var coll = []; for (var i in mazes) { coll = coll.concat(mazes[i].getOutsideCollisionCallbacks()); } return coll; } }; this.collisionCallbacks = function(perso,collisions) { if(this.current_maze) { return this.current_maze.collisionCallbacks(perso, collisions); } else { if(collisions.length>0) { if(collisions[0].mazeid) { this.inMaze(collisions[0].mazeid); } } } }; this.enterPath = function(path) { var self=this; this.current_path=path; this.obstacles = this.current_path.getObstacles(); if(!path.next_maze) { var pos = path.get_end_pos(); start_num_maze+= maze_increment; var maze = new Maze(this, { maze_num: start_num_maze, x: pos.x, z: pos.z }); path.next_maze = maze; maze.start_path = path; mazes[] = maze; { var pos = maze.doors.get_end_pos(); console.log('create end path ',pos); var path = new Path(self, {direction: this.direction, x: pos.x, z: pos.z}); maze.end_path = path; self.end_path = path;; }); } } this.leaveMaze = function(id, path) { var self=this; console.log('leaving maze',id , path); this.current_maze = null; this.current_path = path; this.obstacles=[]; this.collision_callbacks = []; if(path){ this.enterPath(path); } }; this.inMaze = function(id) { console.log('in maze ',id); this.current_path = null; this.current_maze = mazes[id]; this.obstacles = this.current_maze.getObstacles(); this.collision_callbacks = this.current_maze.getCollisionCallbacks(); } };