Download video from magnovideo with Google Chrome
Je viens de créer un petit script pour Tampermonkey (ou greasemonkey si vous utilisez Firefox) qui permets de télécharger une vidéo directement depuis MagnoVideo sans attendre.
Le script est téléchargeable sur userscripts. Voilà le source:
// ==UserScript== // @name MagnoVideo Downloader // @version 1.1 // @description Allows you to download videos from MagnoVideo via the Download button at the upper right corner of the player // @match http://www.magnovideo.com/?v=* // @copyright 2013 tfeserver // @icon http://www.magnovideo.com/templates_mv/images/favicon.ico // ==/UserScript== if(!document.querySelector('embed')) { document.querySelector('.table-headings a').click() } else { var confUrl = document.querySelector('embed').getAttribute('flashvars').replace('config=','') console.log("Fetch conf: "+confUrl); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = process; xhr.open("GET", confUrl, true); xhr.send(); } function process() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { resp = xhr.responseText; var m = resp.match(/<storage_path>([^<]+)</); var host = m[1]; var path = resp.match(/<first_frame>([^<]+)</); path = path[1].replace(/http://[^/]+/,'').replace(/[^/]+/[^/]+$/,''); var m = resp.match(/<video_name>([^<]+)</); var videoname = m[1]; var m = resp.match(/<movie_burst>([^<]+)</); var burst = m[1]; var m = resp.match(/<burst_speed>([^<]+)</); var speed = m[1]; var m = resp.match(/<ste>([^<]+)</); var ste = m[1]; var dl= host+path+videoname+'?burst='+burst+'&u='+speed+'k&'+ste; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML='<a href="'+dl+'" download="'+document.title+'.avi">DOWNLOAD</a>' document.querySelector('#navigation .shell ul').appendChild(li); } }